Bibliography of the Genesee Region, 1790 to 1990: Results

Entry Number Author Title
1071 BRONSON, WILLIAM. "Pioneer History of Clinton County."
1072 ELLIS, DAVID M. "The Yankee Invasion of New York, 1783-1850."
1073 FOX, DIXON R. Yankees and Yorkers.
1074 FULLER, GEORGE N. Economic and Social Beginnings of Michigan: A Study of the Settlement of the Lower Peninsula during the Territorial Period., 1805-1837.
1075 GASTIL, RAYMOND D. Cultural Regions of the United States.
1076 ROOD, ELLIOT S. The Genesee Country, 1788-1811; Perceptual Framework of Residents and Non-Residents.
1077 ROSENBERRY, LOIS MATHEWS. The Expansion of New England: The Spread of New England Settlement and Institutions to the Mississippi River, 1620-1865.
1078 SHEAR, HAZEL M. "Settlers from Vermont."
1079 STEVENS, J. HAROLD. "The Influence of New England in Michigan."

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